Get More Zillow Leads With Automation

How To Get Zillow Leads With Automation

Any experienced realtor will tell you that once you master Zillow, you’re golden. Zillow is one of real estate agents’ most critical digital marketplaces today. It’s the best source of high-quality realtor leads, and Zillow leads are worth it.

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As a Premier Agent, you reduce your lead-to-conversion time and focus on promoting yourself and selling your property. And with Zillow real estate leads coming in, document parsing technology can save you even more time and money. 

This guide is a great place to start if you want to know how to get leads from Zillow and automate your business. Learn all about Zillow leads, plus expert tips on how to improve your Zillow lead generation strategy. 

1. Optimize Your Zillow Personal Profile

Your Zillow profile is your introduction to prospective clients. Capture your lead’s attention within the first few lines of your bio. Your profile should speak to your pointers rather than your competitors. Your credentials and sales history are valuable to your prospective clients. 

Answer these questions on your Zillow profile: 

  • How do you help your clients meet their real estate goals? You may guide your clients to purchasing their perfect first home, find a pet-friendly neighborhood, or retire in a peaceful community.
  • What will they enjoy most about working with you? Perhaps you work with clients from diverse backgrounds, are proficient in multiple languages, or understand the needs of a growing family.  
  • What is your approach to the real estate business? In your strategy, you may prefer to work with fixer-uppers, off-market properties, or vacation rentals.   
  • What do you love most about working in real estate in your area? Maybe you’ve lived there all your life, love the community spirit, or are excited about the area’s future developments. 

In short, tell a story with your Zillow profile to get your leads interested in working with you. Next, add the following to your Zillow profile: 

  • A high-quality, up-to-date, professional headshot: Look relaxed, well-groomed, and smile. 
  • A high-quality introduction video: Make it 1 minute or less. It’s a quick way to add your voice, tone and personality to your profile.  
  • All your contact information: Include your social media profiles to show that you’re readily available at your client’s convenience. Your complete list of real estate services: These include pricing and mortgage advice, professional property photography and marketing, home appraisals and inspections, and so on. 

Demonstrate your experience, knowledge of the area, creativity, and negotiating skills in your Zillow profile–these qualities will turn leads into clients. 

2. Build A Team on Zillow

Zillow is great if you’re working with a team. It boosts your reputation and captures more Zillow leads by association. However, you still need to create your individual Zillow profile and link it to your team profile. 

It is a way to avoid misinformation for your Zillow leads: if you have any listings that your team members don’t, your leads will contact you directly. 

Tip: You should ideally have one Zillow team affiliation at a time. Duplicate accounts or profiles are confusing both for Zillow’s algorithms and for your prospective clients.  

3. Focus on Keywords

Make sure all your Zillow listings have the right keywords to show up in the Zillow search results. In addition to the location and neighborhood names, include the following keywords in your listings to capture more Zillow leads

  • Descriptive keywords: 

Examples: Brand new, renovated, convenient, quiet, spacious and extra-large.

  • Property feature keywords

Examples: Air conditioning, home office, closet space, bay window and crown molding.

These are among the most searched keywords on Zillow today. Add them to your listings to improve your search rankings and capture leads for realtors. 


4. Add More Property Listings

Property Listings

The easiest way to add more property listings to your Zillow agent profile is to claim them. When you claim your properties, you increase your brand awareness, generate Zillow realtor leads, and showcase your inventory at a glance. Follow these simple steps: 

  • Sign in to your Zillow profile, then navigate to the Zillow homepage. 
  • Search for the listing’s address that you wish to claim.
  • Open the listing page and click the three dots on the top right side of the page. 
  • Click the “More” option, then click on “Claim this listing.”
  • Fill out the “Verify Ownership” claim form with your name, phone number, property details, and other verification requirements.  
  • Click on “Continue,” and your Zillow agent profile and contact details will automatically appear on the listing. 

Tip: If you have plenty of listings already, ask Zillow to help. Create a spreadsheet with all your listings, forward it to Zillow, and they’ll do it for you.

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5. Leverage Imagery and Videos

Photos and videos are highly engaging when you add them to your Zillow listings. These help your Zillow leads to having a good feel for the property. Think of it as a virtual tour of their prospective home on their smartphones. 

You don’t have to be a pro at video editing to add clips to your Zillow listings. Your smartphone camera with your preferred video editing app will do just fine. Keep your Zillow videos to about two minutes long. You can undoubtedly create longer videos, but you may risk losing your viewer’s attention. 

The same goes for images for your Zillow properties. Too many photos can overwhelm your Zillow leads and cause visual fatigue: your prospective client gets less and less excited with every next picture. Choose just a handful of great photos that keep your Zillow leads going “Wow!” every time. 

Tip: Repurpose your Zillow content to work on social platforms, including YouTube, Vimeo, Pinterest and Foursquare. 

6. Mention Areas You Specialize In

If you want to master getting Zillow leads with automation, add every detail about your niche. Real estate specialization areas are more than the neighborhood or zip code you work in. 

Your real estate niche is where your business thrives, which is unique for every real estate agent. Here are some of the most common real estate niches to help you improve your Zillow lead generation strategy

  • Types of property: commercial, luxury, waterfront properties, farms and ranches, condos, vacation homes, eco-friendly properties, smart homes, new constructions
  • Types of buyers or renters: international clients, private investors, people living with disabilities, college students, veterans, retirees
  • Types of circumstance: foreclosures, short sales, probates, corporate relocations 

For the best lead generation for realtors, indicate your specializations clearly on your Zillow profile. This way, you can buy leads from Zillow that target your exact type of clients.  

7. Request and Respond to Reviews 

Aim for at least ten reviews on your Zillow profile and a minimum of three new reviews per month. When all your previous clients have great things to say about you, your prospective Zillow leads will know that you’re worth their attention. 

Ask for reviews through personalized emails to your past clients, or set up an automated email system linked to your CRM. You can automatically request a review a week after closing the deal. All you need is to create a text box right in their email or link to a simple web form to fill in their review and submit it for your approval. 

Once your reviews are live on your Zillow profile, give each one a genuine, thoughtful reply. The aim is to increase your engagement with potential Zillow leads and maintains a good relationship with past clients. 

8. Update Your Zestimate Often

Zestimate Often

A Zillow Zestimate always comes with a margin of error. But if your Zestimate is too high or too low compared to the average sales price, you can always change it. You’ll also need to update your Zestimate once you complete property renovations. 

Get as many details about your property as possible, including all the rooms, square footage, new photos, or other information that isn’t in the tax records. Here’s how to update your Zestimate for realtor lead generation:

  • Open your property page. 
  • Click on “Edit Facts.”
  • Enter your property details. 
  • Click on “Save Changes.” 
  • Your Zestimate is updated instantly. 

Tip: Update your property data on both Zillow and your local MLS. 

Such updates ultimately improve the Zillow Zestimate algorithm. 

9. Respond to Leads Quickly

In the perfect world, real estate agents would always be on standby, ready to pick up every call from every lead. Unfortunately, this isn’t reasonable: too many other demands come with running a real estate business. It’s good practice to always respond to your leads as soon as possible. The most engaged real estate agent wins the most company. 

This is where automation becomes a lifesaver. Think of an autoresponder that immediately sends an email to your lead with extra information, such as other ways to reach out to you or how soon to expect your call. 

You can also set up a chatbot on your real estate website to capture lead information, answer common questions, and prepare your lead for your follow-up. Automation has clear returns for your real estate business—the faster you can capture your leads, the better your conversion rate. 

10. Upgrade to Zillow Premier Agent 

Zillow Premier Agent offers many perks for capturing Zillow leads faster, including: 

  • Premium ad placements on other Zillow platforms like Trulia, and StreetEasy 
  • Highlighted agent reviews
  • A fully customizable IDX website with templates and your domain name
  • Access to the Zillow CRM 
  • Top spot in Zillow Agent Finder results 

Keep in mind that becoming a Zillow Premier Agent is an investment. Zillow leads for realtors through Premier Agent are more valuable than a basic listing agent account. For the subscription to make sense, have a solid agent profile and an excellent follow-up strategy. This combination will ensure you capture the hottest leads and recoup the Premier Agent cost. 

Tip: Make the most of the Zillow Premier Agent app on your desktop and smartphone. Real-time push notifications help you to maximize the real estate leads Zillow brings your way. 

Leverage Automation with Parserr

A great majority of your Zillow leads will come to you as emails. This often leads to inefficiency errors. You’ll spend too much time manually replying to emails or entering lead data into your spreadsheet or CRM. Why not automate your email leads and take more time marketing and conversion? 

An email parsing tool like Parserr captures every piece of essential lead data from your incoming emails like names, locations, phone numbers, email addresses, and more. Parserr then links this data into your CRM to unlock your lead generation efforts. Before you know it, you’ll save plenty of resources and grow your real estate business. Contact us today to discover how Parserr is the perfect match for your Zillow leads today. 

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