Text United Case Study: Email Parsing Saves Time and Money 

Parserr helps Text United save countless hours of work by allowing them to automatically extract email attachments that feed Microsoft Flow workflows and Excel Sheets. This automation efficiently tracks tasks, projects, clients and revenue. Thanks to Parserr’s automatic extraction, Text United has more time to “focus on more strategic and thoughtful tasks for growing the business, having the peace of mind to effectively work on managing the business, which makes a huge difference.” 

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Text United is not alone. Many freelancers and small and big companies receive thousands of emails every day with essential information for their day-to-day work. In the beginning, it can be manageable to track and sort those emails manually. Still, as they grow in number, it’s essential to find a way to organize them automatically so your team doesn’t miss anything.  

“I came across Parserr, and I saw an opportunity to filter most of the emails we receive and extract only the important information for populating another application, which gives me an optimized overview of all my finished tasks, ongoing tasks and pending tasks.”  Mauricio Chinemann from Text United elaborates what informed his decision to choose Parserr. 

Text United found a simple-to-use application that integrates with an extensive array of apps to create specific workflows adapted to their needs. The Microsoft Flow and Parserr integration was particularly beneficial for them. 

We use it to set up email data to Excel to have sort of an organized record of all projects we handle, to a CRM software to be able to manage each client’s last contact, contact and project volume, share in our income,” he says.  

Having all that information handy improved their team’s efficiency in marketing and relationship management and task and project management. Now they have a comprehensive view of all their pending tasks, with corresponding deadlines, owners and reminders, all conveniently linked to their business management application. At the same time, they managed to increase their team’s productivity and save time and money with Parserr. 

Wrapping Up 

Automating your company’s processes doesn’t have to be complicated. After answering a few questions, you can create a specific workflow to parse your emails and extract the necessary information. This data can then be organized into an Excel file or sent to a CRM for your team to use. Contact us to discuss your automation needs and start saving time and money with Parserr. 

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