Lucidchart Case Study: How to Automate QA Data Processing with Parserr 

New companies usually start by having a lot of manual processes. Still, as they gain momentum and clients, it’s important to streamline some tasks so they can become more productive and profitable. As Lucidchart grew, they realized they needed to automate the process of monitoring trends over time and quickly identify when things are broken.  

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The company found the Parserr and Zapier integration the perfect solution. Here, Parserr helps Lucidchart save over 4 hours a week of precious work hours by automating most of their QA process. 

“As a company grows, QA processes become increasingly more important. Parserr allows us to automate a large chunk of that, focusing on other core areas,” says Micaela Wright, the director of digital marketing for Lucidchart.  

For a SaaS company, optimizing QA processes is vital. Catching bugs and glitches and improving their product to meet clients’ needs allows them to retain more clients and attract potential prospects. Once some QA tasks are automated, valuable worker time is liberated to focus on other essential tasks that need a human touch. Automation can help improve employee efficiency and help the company notice more growth opportunities. If a company decides to grow without implementing automation within its processes, many opportunities might slip through the cracks, losing significant profits. 

To steadily move towards growth, Lucidchart decided to take advantage of the Zapier and Parserr integration. Micaela Wright, Digital Marketing Manager at Lucidchart, explains how Parserr is helping his business streamline its workflow. 

 “I found Parserr via the integration with Zapier feature, which we use heavily at Lucid. We take automated reporting emails from our email provider (Marketo) and, via Zapier, pass that to Google Sheets so we can monitor trends over time and identify when things are broken more quickly,” he says.  

Parserr allows its users to automate the organization of critical data, like leads, contacts, reports, invoices, delivery notes and order confirmations. They can all be extracted and organized into different formats, like CSV and Excel and forwarded into tools like CRMs and Order Management Systems.  

Parserr also integrates with thousands of apps through Zapier. You can automate any workflow, so the right data goes directly to where it needs to be. This will allow your employees to quickly find the information they need without navigating their inboxes. Everything is streamlined into its right place after setting a few rules. Lucidchart took advantage of this integration to save over 4 hours of manual work weekly. Imagine what you could do to optimize your company’s processes. 

Wrapping Up 

With Parserr, you are a few clicks away from increasing your team’s productivity and your company’s profit. Thousands of teams are already taking advantage of Parserr automation features. It’s easy to use, and depending on your needs, you can select a custom plan that suits you better. Contact us to discuss your automation needs and get ready to reach the next level with Parserr. 

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