How to Convert PDF to Google Sheets

Say No to Tedious, and Repetitive Tasks

All organizations deal with PDF documents every day, from small-scale entrepreneurs to educational institutions and retail businesses. PDF data extraction is a tedious manual task, but there are ways to overcome this challenge. Let’s look at why you need PDF to Google Sheets extractions and the best solutions for you.

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PDF to Google Sheets Use Cases

Depending on your unique context, you may have plenty of PDF data from orders, invoices, deliveries, user registrations, industry reports, and so on. These documents contain crucial customer and market data that contribute to your daily operations. This data must move from your inbox, cloud storage, or hard drive. PDF to Google Sheets is a great way to enable data sharing with your team.


How to Extract Text and Table Data from PDFs to Google Sheets

Method 1: Using Google Docs

Use this method if your PDF document contains relatively simple data with few rows and columns.

  • Upload your PDF file to your Google Drive.

  • Click on the PDF file name to see the “Open with” dialog box.

  • Select Google Docs from the list and save.

  • Open the PDF file as a Google document, then copy the table to your clipboard (CTRL+C).

  • Open a new Google Sheets file.

  • Select a cell and paste the PDF data (CTRL+V).


Method 2: Using CSV

Use this method if your PDF data appear in multipage documents that need manual sorting.

  • Upload your PDF document to your Google Drive.

  • Click on the PDF file name to see the “Open with” dialog box.

  • Select “Plain text (.txt)” from the list and save.

  • Click on the saved TXT file name to see the “Open with” dialog box.

  • Select Google Docs from the list and save.

  • Open the Google document to see your plain text PDF data.

  • Use “Find and Replace” to convert all the spaces into commas.

  • Download the document as a TXT file: Go to File > Download > Plain text (.txt).

  • Open the downloaded text file with Notepad.

  • Save the document as a Comma Separated Value File (.csv).

  • Open a new Google Sheets spreadsheet.

  • Go to File > Open (CTRL+O) the CSV file in Google Sheets.

  • Check that all your comma-separated data is contained in the suitable individual cells in your spreadsheet.

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Method 3: Using Parserr

Use this method if you receive multiple PDF files in your incoming email every day.
  •  Sign up for a Parserr account.
  • Create a Parserr inbox to hold your incoming PDF files.

  • Create parsing rules to extract text and tables from your PDF files.
  • Link the Parserr inbox to your Google Sheets with simple webhook integration.

  • Test the parsing rules with an incoming email containing a PDF document.
  • Open your Google Sheets spreadsheet to verify the extracted data.

  • Modify the parsing rules to capture as many details as you want from your PDF files.
  • Let Parserr automatically extract your data to Google spreadsheets and Excel users.

Automate PDF Data Extraction with Parserr

With Parserr, you can quickly and automatically convert PDF data from multiple PDF files into Google Sheets. Get in touch today to learn more about how Parserr integrates your business operations.

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