With the increasing workforce, large companies find themselves with dozens and sometimes hundreds or even thousands of applications for a single position. Among them is the perfect candidate, but how can recruiters find it?
A resume parsing software is a perfect solution to this problem, as it will allow recruiters to sort through resumes quickly and effectively to find the most relevant candidates for any role.
Below, we’ll explain what a resume parsing software does and answer all the frequently asked questions about how to use and choose the perfect resume parsing software for your company.
What is resume parsing?
Resume parsing is the practice of using software to convert a large variety of resumes into a structured set of information. Applicants would send recruiters resumes in many different formats, and recruiters need to be able to store, organize and manage all these documents. Resume parsing software helps them do this efficiently and quickly.
Companies can identify keywords, organize resumes by skills and sort through all the applications to find the most qualified applicants.
What does a resume parser do?
A resume parser identifies information from resumes and then analyzes, organizes and stores it for easy access. For example, recruiters can use the original role description used on the job board to set the rules necessary to find the right candidate with a resume parser.
A resume parser makes the hiring process more efficient. Fast and accurate resume parsing technology shortens the hiring cycle and offers an enhanced candidate experience.
How does resume parsing work?

The first step in resume parsing is to gather all the data. It can be done manually by parsing all attachments that arrive at a specific email address. The resume parser will interpret these documents and extract their data in a way that is easy to read and sort.
The software will then separate the information into different fields allowing recruiters to filter and search specific terms. Some search filters include contact information, work experience, education, skills, certifications, etc. The user can establish the program’s parameters to sort all the information after completing the cv parsing.
The program will then follow these instructions and build the data structure. This way, users can find the most qualified applicants among the candidates. Once recruiters have all this information organized, they’ll be able to save countless hours of manually reading through each application.
How to select a resume parser
There are many resume parsers, and it might be overwhelming to choose the right one for your company. The first step you need to take is to assess which tools your human resource team is currently using. You’ll want a resume parsing tool that seamlessly integrates with your applicant tracking system, your email provider, and your candidate relationship management software.
Once you have a list of the tools you use, you should explore the available parsing softwares. A great parsing software should:
- Parse resumes in all formats (including PDF, Doc, Docx, HTML, RTF)
Your team will be receiving resumes from candidates in many different formats, and you’ll need one software that can read and organize them all. You want to be able to get clean data to find exactly what you’re looking for.
- Include or allow you to create a library of terms to identify candidate skills
Each role involves different skills, qualifications, educational background and experience. Your recruiters will want to be able to list all the terms necessary to evaluate each candidate so you can have all the information organized. Your cv parser needs to offer you a comprehensive list to allow you to track the most relevant candidate.
- Completely extract resume information
Some parsers will extract only some of the information on a resume. This error could mean that a great candidate doesn’t pop up when your recruiters filter their search because a crucial piece of data wasn’t adequately extracted. You want your parsing software to read and extract every bit of essential information, so you have everything you need to recruit the best talent.
- Help your team create an executive summary to be able to evaluate each candidate
One of the main goals behind using parsing software is to avoid the time-consuming task of skimming and summarizing each resume your team receives. Parsing software needs to offer you the option to create an executive summary so you can offer your top management a bird’s eye view of each candidate’s profile. They don’t have a lot of time and need to be able to make the best decision on the spot. Your recruitment team needs to be able to offer them the information they need in a concise format.
- Parse your data into an organized format
The whole idea of having parsing software is to have each candidate’s data perfectly organized. You will need to be able to search and filter the available information to find the most relevant candidates for the position. You will also need to be able to store the information about the applicants for future opportunities.
- Parse multiple resumes in a row (bulk import)
By parsing multiple rows or importing data in bulk, you’ll be able to process candidates’ information faster and more effectively. You want software that can do this in an organized way and allows you to select the emails, attachments, and rows you wish to parse. That way, you’ll end up with a file you can use to improve your recruitment processes.
- Smartly identify the resume data and improve data extraction for better search results
Some candidates will use banners, pictures, and elaborate designs in their resumes which might make data extraction a bit more complicated. As a recruiter, you’ll need to be prepared for this. And even though resume parsing software can only do so much, the truth is some work better than others. Some parsers come with artificial intelligence or machine learning to offer HR teams a better extraction. You will need to keep an eye out for those that will help you extract resume data and give you the best results for your hiring process.
How to parse resume with Parserr

Parsing resumes with Parserr is relatively easy. You’ll be able to start with a free account and upgrade as necessary.
- Step 1: Sign up for your free account
We recommend using your company’s email or the email you commonly use for recruitment, so you can easily upgrade, if needed, without starting over with the signup and setup process.
- Step 2: Send your first email to your Parserr inbox
You’ll be able to forward the emails you want us to Parse automatically.
- Step 3: Establish some parameters to parse your emails
We will ask you some questions to help you do achieve the best results.
- Step 4: Integrate with other tools
Select the integration tools you will use in your parsing process, and the format you’ll want to get your data.
- Step 5: Add some parsing rules
We will suggest some rules based on what we know about your goals so far and allow you to adjust or add more rules depending on your needs. Creating rules might be challenging initially, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll find it relatively easy.
Benefits of resume parsing software
There are many benefits to resume parsing software, most of them aimed to improve the efficiency and productivity of your HR professionals.
Shorter hiring cycles
By using resume parsing software, your hiring cycles will be shorter. Your recruiters won’t spend hours skimming through resumes and subjectively deciding whether a particular candidate is a good fit for the job. The resume parser will extract and organize the information so that your team will only need to select the most qualified candidate from the data.
Reduce errors in hiring processes
Your hiring process will be more assertive. If you rely on recruiters to gather and organize all the resumes your company receives for every job, they’re bound to make mistakes as human error is unavoidable. The perfect candidate might slip through the cracks because a recruiter judges the resume wrongly. With a resume parser, the extraction and selection of candidates will become more objective as the software will allow you to filter by skills and qualifications.
Minimizes cost
Choosing to use resume parsing software will save your company’s resources. Instead of relying on manually scanned resumes, the parsing software will check, filter and organize all the candidate’s data in no time. That way, employees can spend their time on tasks that cannot be automated, like interviewing applicants with qualified resumes.
In general, resume parsing software will reduce the hours your HR team dedicates to selecting suitable candidates by eliminating the manual work making the hiring process more objective and efficient.
Why do recruiters need resume parsing?
To select the right candidate for the position and their company, recruiters will need to go through many resumes. This process could be done manually, but a manual process will take long hours, and it’s a process prone to human error. By using resume parsing software, they can streamline their applicant screening process. Resume parsing software can do what humans can do in hours within seconds. Once they have all that structured data, they’ll be able to search through it and analyze it.

Industries Leveraging resume parsing Technology
Every medium and large company nowadays is using resume parsing technology. But in the technology industry, recruitment teams are taking the most advantage of resume parsing software to attract top talent around the world.
Top technology companies will receive thousands of applicants to fill a single position and need to be able to assess their skills, qualifications, and professional experience quickly to fill out those roles.
Other industries using resume parsing software include sales, education, real estate, finance, manufacturing and transportation.
Generate Quality Leads And Leverage Automation With Parserr
Regardless of the industry, having a resume parser is the right move to increase the efficiency of your recruitment team and cut costs. A resume parsing software will improve your recruitment team’s performance and hiring process. You will get the best candidates for each position every time and with much less effort.
If you’re looking for resume parsing software, Parserr is here to help. You’ll be able to start with a free trial and set up your account in no time. Extract PDF, Doc, Docx and more in CVS, Excel, Google sheet or any format you’ll need to access your data quickly. Take advantage of Parserr to enhance your recruitment process today.