Url: This field is the exact url of your instance. If it is Internet facing, it will using involve a subdomain of some kind. eg: https://crm.yourcompany.com/main.aspx – the url to use is https://crm.yourcompany.com
Organisation: Organisation is always the subdomain in your URL.
eg: https://crm.yourcompany.com/main.aspx – Organisation is crm
eg: https://theone.yourcompany.com/main.aspx – Organisation is theone
Username: The username you use to login to CRM.
This is usually an email address or can be in the form DOMAIN\user. Email address is preferred. Make sure this user has read/write access. Make sure it is a service account: Username/pass combo don’t change!
Password: Password from your username/password combo. Make sure this password NEVER changes.
Domain: Not required for IFD instances
Port: Not required for IFD instances