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The Importance of Email Data Entry Automation for Business?

Does Your Business Have an Automated Workflow?

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Successful businesses receive hundreds, if not thousands, of emails a day from customers eager to learn more about their company or purchase their products or services. Typically, this information needs to be processed quickly. 

Manually collecting, organizing, and processing the endless stream of incoming email data can be tedious, time-consuming, and prone to human error.

What does your business data entry process look like?

Email data entry automation can streamline and improve your most critical business processes, saving you time and money. It handles the legwork of information sourcing, data collection, and organization, so you can focus on more important things, like growing your business.

Boost Productivity with Automated Data Capture & Extraction

Additionally, the accuracy and reliability of the data entry software and seamless automation of your most laborious workflows can boost your employees’ productivity, reduce stress, and promote a healthy work/life balance when manual data entry processes are streamlined. 

What is Email Data Entry Automation?

The data you need to run your business is typically scattered within an email inbox, usually in the form of text, pdf files, or other digital documents. The person managing the influx of email inquiries is then burdened with the task of reading, sorting, extracting, and manually entering that information into multiple business systems, like a CRM, email platform, marketing automation software, or Excel spreadsheet.

This is where an email parser automation tool can help.

Email parsers remove the manual process of data capture & data entry

An email parser is a software tool that identifies and collects text data from incoming emails. Email parsing technology uses a combination of automation and optical character recognition (OCR) software to capture unstructured data from emails and attached electronic documents. After the data capture process automatically sorts, organizes, and syncs it as structured data within a specified system. 

Real-Life Example in the Real Estate Industry:

A real estate agent uses public platforms online to advertise their real estate listings, and thus their email inbox is inundated whenever they share a new property. An email parser mines their inbox for the relevant information from each email, such as prospect name, email, phone number, and the property address they are interested in. This gives the agent the contact list they need without spending valuable time looking for information in each email.

You simply tell the email data entry software what information to extract and where to send it. It’s that simple!

5 Benefits of Email Data Entry Automation

1. Workflow Automation

Email data entry automation streamlines the most tedious, repetitive tasks, freeing up your team to focus on more valuable things like client interaction and revenue-generating strategies.

Once your captured data is available, it can then be used to trigger automated workflows in your web apps via an integration tool like Zapier


  • Data from a real estate agent’s interest email can trigger an automatic welcome email from SalesForce, alert the agent in Slack, and create a new contact in the company’s CRM or data entry system.
  • A company running a trivia contest can use an email parsing tool to extract contact information and correct answers (specified keywords) and then export the data to a CSV file, Google Sheet, or Excel spreadsheet. 
  • Doctors’ offices that receive email notifications when patients make payments online can use an email parsing tool to extract customer payment information, update QuickBooks, and trigger an automatic thank you email from MailChimp. 

The possibilities are endless!

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2. Compatibility & Flexible Integration

Modern email parsers provide a simple setup and flexible integration for anyone looking to improve their workflow. The cloud-based software is compatible with all email providers and formats, including text and rich text emails. They also can extract data from almost all document formats, including HTML files, word & pdf documents, excel sheets, and many other text-based digital documents. Additionally, setting up your customized parsing parameters is easy with no technical skills or IT department required. 

3. Accuracy and Dependability of Data

Bad data costs U.S. businesses $3.1 trillion every year. 

Only you know how much it costs your business when an order is entered incorrectly or a hot lead is put on the wrong nurturing list. But the reality is that mistakes cost money. 

With a manual review process and manual data entry process, human error is inevitable. Due to human oversight, the added time of reprocessing information adds up in both hard and opportunity costs.

Unlike its human counterparts, who are prone to mistakes due to manual data entry and repetitive tasks, email data entry software is always accurate. The captured data is dependable, and the software loves doing repetitive tasks without complaining – even on weekends and holidays! 

No more reprocessing or backtracking to see what went wrong or where. Just accurate data – the first time, every time!

4. Cost-Efficiency

If you’re currently mining emails manually, do you know how much time (i.e., money) you’re spending on the task?

Let’s say it takes a marketing analyst an average of 5 minutes per email to: Identify and extract the necessary data, enter it into the appropriate systems, and perform any additional tasks that might be needed.
For example, assigning the new contact to the correct email list, notifying the sales rep, or entering an order from an invoice. 

If that employee analyzes 100 emails per day and makes $19 per hour, you’re spending around $150 per day on emails and data extraction. 

An email parser takes mere nanoseconds to complete these tasks, saving you a significant amount of time — and money. Not only does this automation tool directly impact your bottom line, but it also gives you an advantage over competitors that are slower to respond to their customers. 

5. Balanced Workload

Gone are the days of being overworked, coming into the office on weekends, and feeling perpetually burnt out because you can’t get ahead of emails. 

Email data entry software manages all incoming emails, routing essential data like your leads, sales, web submissions, and more to the correct system and person. This allows you and your team to focus on more meaningful tasks and connect with your customers while delivering maximum results in the minimum amount of time. 

Meet Parserr: A Powerful Email Data Entry Automation Tool, Customized for Your Business

Business Process Automation Made Simple

Whether you want to improve your sales process or get your inventory out more efficiently, Parserr is the automation tool you need to drive next-level success for your business.

With flexible integrations and compatibility, always reliable and accurate data, and the savings associated with eliminating tedious manual touchpoints in your business, our trusted email parsing service can be the catalyst your company needs to become an industry leader. 

If you’re ready to automate your business and reap the benefits of a more balanced workload, contact us today to try Parserr for free! We also provide high-volume customers and large companies with plans complete with onboarding, professional training, and priority phone support. 

Once you realize how much you can grow your revenue through automation, the focus shifts from “How much will it cost to change?” to “How much does it cost me NOT to change?”

Want to see what Parserr can help you achieve? Click Get started to find out about a new automation experience!


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